Become part of Stuber Team

We support our customers in designing their living and business spaces in such a way that they fulfill all wishes for well-being and functionality. We achieve this with a team of experienced specialists, a long tradition in kitchen and interior design, and a state-of-the-art carpentry workshop. You are open to new things, structured, creative and want to make a difference in a dynamic team - then we should get to know each other.


History of Stuber Team

The most important milestones

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2013
  • 2010
  • 2000
  • 1997
  • 1988
  • 1984
  • 1982
  • 1981
  • 1979
  • 1978
  • 1963

Erweiterung der Geschäftsleitung

Per 1. Januar 2024 wird die Geschäftsleitung um das neue Mitglied Patrik Barmettler erweitert.


Stuber Team gewinnt Silber!

Beim Swiss Kitchen Award 2023 in der Kategorie "Schönste Küche" gewinnt Stuber Team mit der Küche "La Luna" Silber.


New management with Stuber DNA

Simone Stuber (CEO), Ivo Notz (Head of Coordination) and Xaver Schuler (Head of Sales) take over the operational management of the company, while Gerd Stuber concentrates as Chairman of the Board of Directors on the business strategy.


The course for a successful future is set

Simone Stuber joins the Board of Directors and takes on more management duties and responsibilities - alongside the two long-time directors Ivo Notz and Xaver Schuler and Jakob Buchmann as a member of the extended management board.


Simone Stuber joins the family business

Simone Stuber, the daughter of Gerd und Irma Stuber, joins the management together with Gerd and Roger Stuber.


Digitisation has arrived

The purchase of a new CAD system allows continuous production from planning to the CNC machine.


Swiss Kitchen Award

Stuber Team wins the Jury Prize of Swiss Kitchen Award.


Stuber Team's 50th anniversary

The company outing to Berlin and the appearance of Adolf Ogi, the Former President of the Swiss Confederation, as a speaker at Stuber Day are the highlights in the anniversary year.


Production building extended

The production and storage facilities are increased.


A new production and exhibition building

The company can move into the newbuild in Rotkreuz only one year after the ground-breaking ceremony.


The second generation takes over the reins

Otto and Maria Stuber hand over the company to their sons Gerd Stuber and Roger Stuber.


Kitchen paradise in 500 square metres

In Lettenstrasse, Rotkreuz, a spacious new kitchen showroom is opened.


The family business grows

Roger Stuber, the younger son of Otto and Maria Stuber, joins the company.


"De Rotkrüzer Holzwurm"

The first traveling carpenter's workshop is founded.


The share of women is growing

Irma Stuber, the wife of Gerd Stuber, joins the company.


Entry of the second generation

Gerd Stuber, the elder son of Otto and Maria Stuber, joins the company.


Become kitchen specialits

Otto and Maria Stuber open the first kitchen showroom in Waldetenstrasse, Rotkreuz.


Start of a new era

Otto and Maria Stuber take over the carpentry/wanon-making business from Otto's brother.